Russell Baby

Saturday, June 17, 2006

first father's day

well, mike will have his first father's day tomorrow- he wants a slide saw from sam, but i don't think he can afford it! we cleaned the house like crazy today, then gave sam a bath in the clean sink... i took him on a walk with han and the dogs. mike worked on anner's table. kit held the boy while i weeded a bit... life is great, as he slept after date night last night from 12:30 - 4:30, snacked, then down until 6:30, all in the bassinet! grandma watched him for date night and he packed away 5 ozs of ze milk... thanks for babysitting grandma marko. we danced a wee bit at the black door to mad dub, amidst the middle aged crowd. it felt weird but good. more to follow- you're the best dad ever michael, the love in your eye when you gaze at the boy melts us both.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all --

I am so impressed you did date night already -- so very cool.

I am so grateful that I had the chance to meet my nephew on Thursday. I am so in love with him, it's painful. I miss him already; I can't wait to see him again in CO! I loved the squeaky little noises and the funny little pucker faces he was making before he ate, and how much he looks like Michael -- it's something about his mouth, and the grumpy little faces he makes, but there's also something else in there that just makes me feel that he's so Michael. And Tam -- it was so very great to see you. You look so peaceful and happy, and so in the motherhood groove. You were made for this, and watching you with Samuel is truly beautiful.

I am eagerly anticipating our reunion in July. I love you guys.

--Auntie Heather

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike -- I forgot to mention on my last post . . . you look r e a l l y t i r e d in that photo!!

Miss you,
Auntie H

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Sam. Glad your folks went out so we could spend some time together. I know it was hard for both mom and dad to leave you that first time. The memories of 4 children just flooded in and warmed me all over.

As Greatgrandma would say-Best Love,
Grandma or Gram or whatever he decides.

3:04 AM  

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