Russell Baby

Sunday, June 04, 2006

3 Weeks

Well it's been three weeks and I can't believe it. Everyday I get back from work he has changed. It is the truth that time with your kid(s) fly by.

We have a meet and greet with a new pediatrician tomorrow. She is a little more down to earth than our current pediatrician.

We had a baby meeting at noon yesterday. We're trying to keep up with some of the families from our birth class. Everyone has had their kids so we met with one couple yesterday. It's fun to compare fun stories and the frustrations. We passed the babies while we sat and ate. Before we knew it 3 hours had passed.

We're also happy that Chris/Hannah/Ava family are around now. It is amazing to look at Sam, three weeks old, look at Ava, 7 months old, and see the difference between the two. I can't believe how fast the little guys develop. Sam seems less fragile then before, Ava's personality is shining through. Tam and I keep waiting for some responsive smiles and can't wait to experience his personality.

We weighed him yesterday before running out and when we put him in the scale he was wiggling a bit, so the scale was bouncing between 10 and 11 pounds. Didn't dip above or below those points. Given that information we're saying he weighs 10 pounds 8 ounces. Give or take an ounce. We knew he was chunkin' up, Tam's Gram had trouble holding him for an extended amount of time.

Tam is getting back slowly to herself, she went for a really quick run yesterday and she is as beautiful as ever. Parenthood is treating her well. She plans to pump next weekend. That'll be another milestone for us.

I hope you enjoy the photos.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay Tam on going for a run!! That's such a big moment.

Love love love the photos. I can't decide which is my favorite . . . Samuel orbiting the moon (or is that a boob?), or the one of Sam already trying to tell his parents to stop embarrassing him by kissing him in public like that, or the one of Mr. Grumpy Michael Face asleep on the couch with the blanket over him, or the one of him holding his head up SO well . . . nope it's gotta be Dad and Samuel with the matching shirts.

Love you guys, anxiously awaiting more photos.

Love -- Auntie Heather

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I smile at the writing and the photos. As Auntie Heather says...keep it coming! Each day is such a milestone!

3:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Need. More. Photos!!

love, Auntie Heather

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

3:48 AM  

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